This large scale project was a collaborative process. It is the year long task of the YSDN graduating class to put on a gallery of work by the students. My student title was “Building and Supply Project Manager”. I was tasked with finding a sustainable solution for display construction. In the past, displays had been constructed by students in a short period of time, out of various materials. This resulted in unsafe working conditions and poor display quality.
This year we chose to construct the displays out of cardboard. Cardboard is sustainable, cost effective, and easy to work with. We then made the building process even more sustainable by automation. Once the displays were prototyped, we contracted a local corrugated construction company to die cut the displays.

Automating the process out of a sustainable and recyclable material allows new displays to be punched out each year. This cuts down the storage footprint of the grad show as well as guaranteeing the quality of the displays.
I also design iPad stands and containment units. These iPads were used to display projects and student information. Once the display units where designed and then constructed by the theatre department at Sheridan College. Each unite insured that the iPads where both secure and functional.

These display units where designed to be taken apart after the show and stored compactly. To further ensure that the units where sustainable they were constructed out of materials leftover from previous years.

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